We are in the final month before our trip home to MN and a visit to the UP of MI. I think that is on our minds the most. Family Vacations, friends, good food, and 2 little dogs.
We have been riding our new bikes to work each day. Yep, we have the coolest bikes on the block with fenders and a head light. Strange riding in the dark. But we have been luckly to not have any rain in our area for the past almost 2 weeks. The last post of the rain that came, well it flooded the road so we had to got through about 4 big puddles with no dry land around. Those puddles come form the marsh land on the non sea side of the road. One rainy night we did take the little red truck back to the house as we were doing our laundry at the resort...a crocodile crossed the road!!! SO... I don't like the idea of riding in the dark it there is water on the road.
The following photo is of the repaired road... they filled one of the big puddle area. Yes, this is repaired. Many of the dirt roads in Belize are like this...or worse. It takes 45 minutes to get from Hopkins to Dangriga... what would be 20 minutes on all paved US style roads. The dirt roads is the main reason why.

We don't go-go-go like we did when we first moved to Belize. WE go to Dangriga about once a month to maybe every other week. You plan every trip wisely... Driving is just not that fun.
Lets see... We are missing our friends Jim and Lois who are summering in Colorado and our friends Tony and Angela who are back in Alaska for about 6 weeks. Rugger is missing his Mommy and Daddy too... But Aunt Vicki and Uncle Phil are trying to spoil him!

So it mostly just Phil and I together... we love the game Phase 10 (and challenge Erika and Bridget to a wild card marathon in MI.)
Phil fixed the AC after the first week of being in our house. This week he fixed the washer and dryer! He even washed out the green water that was in the washing machine. What a great husband! He likes to surprise me with projects he finishes when I am working...I had to work a few days that we are normally both off. He also killed the first scorpien in our house. They do say if you see one, you have more. So we do keep our eyes open...

Also we are following closely Phil's nephew and his family as they go through the start of Chemo. Know that we are thinking of you and lifting you all up in prayer! www.caringbridge.org/visit/johnverly
SO I need to also get more photos of Hibiscus. I thought I got a photo of them all, but have found about 3 more I missed just on the resort grounds.
Another cool thing is I have had some guests staying at our resort tell me that they have been following our blog! So if you are coming to Belize and staying in the Hopkins area- drop us a line!
More soon!
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