Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A note from my Dad

SO I got this email the other day from my Dad who has the privilege of taking care of our dogs back home in Minnesota. I just got such a kick out of it I thought I should share it on our blog.

Greetings ALL I am starting to enjoy the signs of summer (we have four seasons here in MN ya know). How you know it's summer can be seen just watching Frieda. When it's summer she wants to lay in her bed on the deck and watch the world go by and pick and choose who or what she wants to bark at. Given the chance (run on a short rope) she will keep a squirrel up the pine tree for an hour. Yesterday on their romp they found a mouse nest and Frieda caught a baby and carried it around for twenty minutes playing with it. I had to finally take it away from her - not an easy task I might add as I didn't want her to swallow it. For some reason she liked to roll on it and I got my chance to get it. Now that was all well and good but nothing to the night before when on her nine o'clock + potty break she came back on the deck and caught a large body moth. Well she carried it in the family room and proceeded to first pull off it's legs, stomp on it, lay next to it nose to nose, and finally when it stopped moving - try to give it flying lesson. You know throw it up in the air time after time. Well she finally gave up and I tossed the wet carcass in the trash.

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